Master The Gift of Gift Giving

Here are Marie’s tips for choosing gifts that will spark joy:

Tip 1: Think about the recipient’s lifestyle. Be specific!

Before I search for a gift, I imagine what would spark joy based on the recipient’s lifestyle. I recall specific details about their daily routines, living quarters, and interests: How much space do they have? What activities do they like to do? What objects do they treasure?

Once I’ve considered the details of their day-to-day lives, I can search in earnest.

Tip 2: Imagine them using the gift.

When I find an item that I think will complement the recipient’s lifestyle, I imagine them using or holding it. If the vision sparks joy, I’m on the right track. The item itself doesn’t have to spark joy for me, but having a positive feeling when I picture my loved one using it is always a good sign.

Tip 3: Let go of the end results.

Giving gifts without expectations or agenda releases both the giver and the receiver from undue pressure. The true purpose of a gift is to be received – whether or not it’s used and loved for years to come is beside the point. Of course, it’s wonderful to select gifts that spark joy, but choosing them thoughtfully – as a way to convey our feelings for loved ones – makes for a truly meaningful exchange.

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Excerpt from: Choosing Gifts that Spark Joy


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